Tim Benjamin

composer, writer, storyteller



Dodecahedron was written for a piano summer school held at Christ's Hospital School, West Sussex in the summer of 1994. The intention of the piece was to provide material for a world-record attempt: the largest number of pianists to play independent parts on the most pianos in the same piece of music! As a result, the piece includes some easy parts (for beginners) and two more advanced, leader parts (taken by the course leaders at the summer school

In the first performance, 38 pianists (76 hands!) played 14 pianos, the resulting chaos held together with valiant conducting by pianist John Thwaites.


9 minutes


As many pianos as possible


John Thwaites

First performance

Christ's Hospital piano summer school, summer 1994

Request a score / parts

If you would like to see a score and/or require a set of parts for this music, please contact me.