An Account of a Sea-Voyage I Took Last September
This music is an account of the ideas and sensations I encountered during a voyage at sea, in the Strait of Georgia off Vancouver Island, BC, last September [September 2006]. In attempting to express these states of mind, I have borrowed a substantial — though now well-hidden — structural element of Mendelssohn’s The Hebrides ("Fingal's Cave") overture, also an account of a voyage at sea.

Largo libero — Lento assai, cantabile — Ritmico, agitato — Tempo I, piu mosso — Tempo di Agitato — Com primo ma piu vivo — Com Tempo II, cantabile, piu vivo — Subito: vivo, agitato
10 minutes
Instrumentation, 2hn, tpt, perc (vibraphone), strings
First performance
Oxford Philomusica, Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford, June 2007
Request a score / parts
If you would like to see a score and/or require a set of parts for this music, please contact me.